Events Desert Scum Events Desert Scum


Long Beach Comic Con and Columbia Memorial Space Center Space Expo


Droid Builders Booth



Southern California Droid Builders will have a booth as part of the Columbia Space Expo- Long Beach Comic Con.

Event Summary

Saturday & Sunday droid builders had a booth up front with the Columbia Space Memorial City of Downey Space Expo area. Downey continues to advance the motto of "Future Unlimited" with the Columbia Memorial Space Center and its mission to inspire the future of space exploration.

It was great being up front to great guests when they enter the convention. Sunday seemed a bit busier than Saturday, maybe because it was cheaper. Con was pretty small and not a whole lot of signings or activities for guests other than the incredible space expo area. All in all a great weekend and a good group of droids.

If you are interested in building a droid or even a costume, see the Clubs page for links to valuable resources.

Astromechanic Muster

Star Wars droids at the Long Beach Comic Con Saturday Sept. 3. Photo by Fernando Haro.

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Events Desert Scum Events Desert Scum

Long Beach Comic Expo 2020 [T48]

Long Beach Comic Expo

January 10 & 11, 2020

check out also the Long Beach Comic Con !

The droid builders always have a great showing as part of the Columbia Memorial Space Centers Space Expo Exhibit! Stop by and chat about building droids!

Sunday January 11, 2020 was a Lady Droid Builder Panel with members of the Droid Builders clubs and Stardust Builders Initiative!

Visit our BUILD IT page for links to the various build groups and resources !

Event Summary

Substantially smaller than the Long Beach Comic Con in the fall, the Expo contained a variety of vendor & artist booths including comic/movie/tv actors & staffers offering their signatures and pictures. We bumped into the Red Power Ranger, Craig Miller, @indiespeeder and the Salamaca twins from Breaking Bad Daniel & Luis Moncada as well as many of the usual amazingly awesome cos players!

Droid builders had an awesome display of WIP R2s and amazing electronics including a few amazing R2-D2s, a super awesome R2-Q2, newborn RD-QD and Monster Inferno MSE ! Thank you to everyone who stopped by to chat with us about droids, building and Star Wars! We hope that you were inspired to start a droid build of your own !

Also a BIG thank you to everyone who stopped by our lady builder panel on Sunday! It was much appreciated to get such a big show of support from everyone! If anyone happens to have footage from it please email us at


Complementing various women themed cosplay panels occurring at the Expo, local Droid Builder ladies represented the clubs in the Engineering START WARS: Build Your Own R2! It was an awesomely informative panel put on by the ladies which generated quite a large audience! There was a nice variety of droids and build methods to share with the audience. Keri had her R2, Naila had her BB-8, Tina had her WIP R2-RE, and Ashly Jo had her RD-QD and Monster MSE representing the Stardust Builders Initiative !

Room: 103A
Time: 2:30p-3:30p
Name of Panel: Engineering STAR WARS: Build Your Own R2
Description: Can’t get enough droids? Want R2 or BB-8 on all your adventures? There’s a whole club of people dedicated to building R2-D2 and the other droids of Star Wars! Come learn the basics and see what it takes to build your own Astromech droid from several women that build their own!
Panelists: Keri Bean, Naila Browne, Tina Bosse and Ashly Jo Dishmon

Scum Muster

  • RD-QD and Krank Troop 2

  • Monster MSE and Ardy Jo

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