Monster Inferno MSE Complete

Ardy Jo finished her Monster MSE droid in time for Long Beach Comic Expo, but unfortunately forgot the controller! Won't be doing that again!

This droid is sitting on a 1/10 scale Traxxas Stampede chassis with a custom cut 3/4 size styrene shell. The top racks, side panels, and frame are 3d printed. LED light strip and top lights are incorporated including a bluetooth speaker. A better way to run the sound would be good for conventions since the wireless signals get pretty jacked up. 

Wanted to run 2 neopixel led rings behind the logos, but chickened out. Plus couldn't get them to run on the Trinket anyways. 

Overall this build was really fun! Easier if you buy the 1:1 scale shell. The most frustrating part was the magnets that hold the top and bottom together kept flipping over when gluing them.

The detailed build log and pictures can be found in the Mouse Droid Builders Club forum here

Join the Mouse Droid Builders Club forum to get access to files and build logs and start your own MSE Build! It doesn't have to look just like the movies as you can see in this builds example. Review the Desert Scum Build It! page for tips on starting builds using the many forums available. 

Desert Scum Blog

WonderCon 2018 [T13]


BUSD STEAM Fair 2018 [T12]